Tuesday, April 7, 2009


  • Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other: "Thats funny, I smell carrots too".
  • What's the difference between my girlfriend and my Christmas tree?
    My Christmas tree looks good with the lights on.
  • How do you keep an idiot waiting?
    I'll tell you later.
  • Two bats go out for their midnight feed. One hour later the first bast comes back tired and sore from flying, and he didn't get any blood whatsoever. The second bat came back with blood dripping from his mouth and the first bat asked, " How did you get all that blood?"
    "I'll show you", the second bat said. The second bat led the first bat to a cave, and said, "Do you see that wall?"
    "Yes!", the first bat said excitedly.
    "I didn't."
  • A man was drowning.
    A ship came along.
    They said, "We'll save you.
    "But the man replied,"No, God will save me!
    "Another ship came along.
    They said, "We'll save you."
    The man replied."No, God will save me!
    "The man ended up drowning.
    He asked God in heaven,
    "Why didn't you save me?"
    God replies,"I sent you two ships, dumbass."

HaHaHa I Found From Forum Leh...


From My English Writing Book:-

Natasha Green
Natasha Green
stuck her head in a washing machine

Washing Machine
Washing Machine
Round and round Natasha Green

Natasha Green
Natasha Green
cleanest girl I've ever seen

Ever Seen
Ever Seen
a girl with her head in a washing machine?

Washing machine
Washing machine
last home of Natasha Green

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